Le port de Fos sur Mer était déjà à l'époque romaine l'un des hauts lieux d'échanges commerciaux de la Méditerranée. Les fonds marins du Golfe de Fos sont peuplés d'ailleurs des nombreux témoignages archéologiques de cette activité intense. Avec les siècles, Saint-Gervais est redevenu un petit port de pêche, où l'enrochement naturel abritait les quelques barques de pêcheurs. L'eau venait alors mourir en bordure des cabanons de bois qui existaient encore aujourd'hui. Au début du siècle, l'édification d'une digue a renforcé la protection de l'anse de Saint-Gervais, mais c'est véritablement en 1978 que le port de plaisance moderne a vu le jour. Après des modifications successives et plusieurs agrandissements, liés à la croissance de la population et au développement de la plaisance, le port Saint-Gervais accueille aujourd'hui quelque 800 bateaux, placés sous l'autorité vigilante de sa capitainerie à l'architecture audacieuse.
The port of Saint-Gervais was already in the Roman time a commercial place of important exchange in the Mediterranean. The undersea waters of the gulf of Fos sur Mer are populated with many archaeological testimonies of this intense activity. Through centuries, Saint-Gervais became again a small fishing port. The natural riprap sheltered some boats of fishermen. Water reached the wooden cottages, which always exist. At the beginning of the century, the construction of a dam reinforced the protection of the port of Saint-Gervais. It is in 1978 that the modern port was born. After successive modifications and several enlarging, related to the growth of the population and the development of the sailing, the marina accommodates 800 boats, placed today under the vigilant authority of its harbour office with daring architecture.

The port of Saint-Gervais was already in the Roman time a commercial place of important exchange in the Mediterranean. The undersea waters of the gulf of Fos sur Mer are populated with many archaeological testimonies of this intense activity. Through centuries, Saint-Gervais became again a small fishing port. The natural riprap sheltered some boats of fishermen. Water reached the wooden cottages, which always exist. At the beginning of the century, the construction of a dam reinforced the protection of the port of Saint-Gervais. It is in 1978 that the modern port was born. After successive modifications and several enlarging, related to the growth of the population and the development of the sailing, the marina accommodates 800 boats, placed today under the vigilant authority of its harbour office with daring architecture.