A Saint-Leu, sous des allures calmes et sereines, se cache une destination unique née de la complicité des charmes de la terre, de l’air et de la mer. Saint-Leu s’étire au bord du lagon bleu, adossée à des collines multicolores couvertes de buissons d’épineux, de savanes et de cultures, couronnées de forêts, s’élevant vers la montagne. Attachée avec la même détermination au développement urbain et touristique et à la sauvegarde du cadre naturel, la commune valorise un riche potentiel de loisirs tout en préservant sa personnalité de grand village balnéaire. Sur cette terre de foi et de culture, chargée d’histoire, les références au passé et au présent se complètent harmonieusement. La vie sportive et culturelle est intense. Cette large palette des couleurs de la joie de vivre font de Saint-Leu une invitation au voyage, à l’évasion et au bonheur. Laissez-vous guider.
At the Saint-Leu, under calm and serene paces, a single destination has born from the marriage of ground, air and sea, which gives to the city a particular charm.
Saint-Leu stretches itself at the edge of the blue lagoon, leaned with covered multicoloured hills of bushes of thorn-bush, of savanna and cultures, crowned forests, rising towards the mountain. Concerned with urban and tourist development and also protection of the natural framework, the city undertakes the valorisation of its rich leisure potential, while working on preserving its character of famous balneal village. This wild pallet of the colors of the joy is an invitation to escape. Let guide you.
At the Saint-Leu, under calm and serene paces, a single destination has born from the marriage of ground, air and sea, which gives to the city a particular charm.
Saint-Leu stretches itself at the edge of the blue lagoon, leaned with covered multicoloured hills of bushes of thorn-bush, of savanna and cultures, crowned forests, rising towards the mountain. Concerned with urban and tourist development and also protection of the natural framework, the city undertakes the valorisation of its rich leisure potential, while working on preserving its character of famous balneal village. This wild pallet of the colors of the joy is an invitation to escape. Let guide you.